Call for Papers - Cultural Studies Association of Australasia Conference 2024
Anti-colonial Futures and Representation
25 - 29 November
Wallumattagal Campus, Macquarie University
The discipline of cultural studies has been regarded as a site of understanding culture and resistance. Stuart Hall claimed that people need a language to speak about where they are, and what possible futures are available to them. At the Centre for Global Indigenous Futures and the Department of Critical Indigenous Studies on Wallumattagal Campus (MQ), Dharug Country, we focus the studies of culture within an anti-colonial language and praxis. In November 2024 we look forward to you joining us to explore what this means across the broader discipline of Cultural Studies.
This will mark the first time an Indigenous-centred site has hosted the CSAA conference. Across Cultural Studies we make choices in how our practice upholds or challenges colonialities, on how we look to the past, engage the now, and anticipate and map expansive futures. As we come together in this conference, we will ask those presenting to address the theme of CSAA2024 in either specific or broad strokes.
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Call for papers
The organising committee are now calling for proposals for papers and panels (of 3-4 presentations). The portal will remain open until 26 August.
While the conference will be configured largely around a traditional presentation format, we welcome the chance to explore the possibility of including other formats (including but not limited to the presentation of NTROs: non-traditional research outputs) with potential conference contributors.
We invite papers that address anti-colonial futures and representation across the following suggested themes, as well as across all areas of cultural studies:
Resistances and disruptions
The colonial project of gender (and everything else)
Queer, as in...
Indigenous futurisms
Engaging the public imaginary
Exploring cultural complexities
Challenging colonial norms
Data sovereignty
Social media and digital intimacies
Cultural Studies and Critical Indigenous Studies (tensions, conversations)
Representations and orientations
Thinking on stolen Land
Choreographies of care
Anti-eugenics and disability justice
Situational ethics
Environmental relationalities
Anti-colonial methodologies
You are welcome to submit topics that fall outside of these themes, however we invite all presenters to think deeply about what it means to do and to situate Cultural Studies on stolen Indigenous Land. We therefore ask presenters to consider addressing how anti-colonialism shows up in/with their work and research, broadly and/or directly.
Call For Papers closes 11:59pm Mon 26 August, with responses sent out by early September.
If you have any questions, please reach out to