Contact Us
Members are highly skilled and professional Indigenous researchers that draw on Indigenous research methodologies and are committed to consultation and collaboration with Indigenous communities, ensuring all work is conducted in a manner that is culturally appropriate in terms of how information is collected, stored and disseminated.
Researchers in the Centre are available for contracted work including research and development projects, evaluations, resource development and much more. Contact us to discuss your needs.

Grant Opportunities to Work with Members of the Centre
The Australian Research Council provides grant opportunities for partnerships between academics at universities like the members of the Centre for Global Indigenous Futures and industry partners. If you would like to collaborate on a research grant, please contact us. More information can be found here:

Recent Projects and Partners
Examples of our industry projects and partners:
Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council: Cyberbullying and Indigenous Australians
Alanah and Madeline Foundation: Safe Sistas Evaluation Report
Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety (ANROWS): What works? Exploring the literature on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander healing programs that respond to family violence
Australian Research Council: Looking out for Mob on Social Media – Help-Seeking and Giving Online
Australian Research Council: Social Media Mob – Being Indigenous Online
Meta (Facebook): Indigenous People's Experiences of Harmful Content on Social Media
Commission for Gender Equality in the Public Sector: Make us count: Understanding Aboriginal women’s experiences in Victorian public sector workplaces
Wikimedia Australia: First Nations Peoples’ experiences using and editing Wikipedia: Focus Groups Report Released